А какой программой делать захват? Ради интереса пару кадров попробовать
Общие вопросы по обработке видео
Сообщений 21 страница 40 из 109
Поделиться2310-01-2019 18:59:28
Спасибо попробую.
Поделиться2513-01-2019 08:04:02
Хотелось бы узнать кто как борется с "красными" фильмами, я с первыми цветными фильмами которые цифровал ни как не боролся, но из последних попался уж больно "красный" фильм "Наш Барнаул", я попытался поиграться с цветом вручную, результат уже выкладывал в другой теме.
Большого опыта работы с видеоредакторами у меня нет, раньше занимался пережатием видео, но коррекцию цвета не делал, сейчас я обрабатываю видео простенькой программой "Movavi Video", режу, склеиваю, переворачиваю кадр и добавляю маленько чёткости, на этом всё, чем мне не нравится эта программа, так это узкие настройки выходного файла, поэтому чтобы получить на выходе хорошее качество, файл получается большого размера. Нашёл в программе кнопку "автобаланс белого", результат на видео, хотелось бы услышать ваше мнение, а также как вы делаете цветокоррекцию.
Поделиться2713-01-2019 16:48:59
Спасибо за информацию, цвет конечно лучше моего, если решусь делать такие манипуляции, обращусь за помощью.
Поделиться2824-05-2019 17:28:04
на заметку
Новая версия AEO-Light 2.3.2 - программное обеспечение для извлечения оптического звука.
AEO-Light 2.3.2 введение -
Просьба к Huan-Carlos (Александру), может сделаете тоже видео, как Вы производите настройки и извлечение звука с этой версией программы?
Отредактировано dan74 (24-05-2019 17:34:44)
Поделиться2924-05-2019 22:53:54
ну там дядя так подробно все рассказал, я даже не знаю что можно еще добавить
Поделиться3025-05-2019 19:02:44
Инструкция AEO-Light 2.2 beta
Поделиться3102-06-2019 14:39:16
Всем привет, а можно бы где нить отдельно или даж можно тут, выложить ссылки где норм можно скачать проги по обработке видео, а так же инфу по установке и хотя бы начальной настройке этих программ , а ещё лучше бы добавить в архив форума, если можно конечно. Я думаю лишним не будет и искать не придётся по всей ветке.
Отредактировано Виктор (02-06-2019 14:46:18)
Поделиться3202-06-2019 23:53:09
Виктор, это очень широкая тема. Что именно Вы понимаете под обработкой видео? Видеомонтаж, создание рипов, обработка файлов видеозахвата, улучшение качества исходников или что-то ещё?
Поделиться3303-06-2019 04:26:07
Спасибо, в основном по обработке файлов захвата, и все что связано с улучшением качества в общем.
Поделиться3403-06-2019 09:16:35
Понятно. Тогда расскажите, в какой формат Вы делаете захват.
Программы Ависинт и ВиртуалДаб Вам знакомы?
Поделиться3503-06-2019 09:47:58
С Ависинтом не работал, Виртуал даб стояла на компе потом удалил, ругалась на файлы,пишет мисинг соде ,но просто времени не было с этим разбираться, ставил с диска с набором всяких прог, может просто глючная попалась. Работал с прогами Видео монтаж, Видео мастер, но больше для фото прогами. Нужна прога где можно перевернуть видео, в какой не сложной можно это сделать? MPEG4 формат. Мне сильно высокое качество не нужно в принципе, еденичный случай просто. Но мало ли, лишними знания никогда не бывают.
Отредактировано Виктор (03-06-2019 09:55:13)
Поделиться3603-06-2019 11:47:53
Виктор, варианта два.
1. Если случай одноразовый, и качество неважно, то можно воспользоваться программой XviD4PSP 5.
2. Если хотите вникнуть в процесс, и работать с видео осмысленно, то надо освоить для начала вот эту инструкцию: Как сделать отличный ДВД-рип. На "Фениксе", кстати, много информации и уроков по обработке видео. Сборка программ хорошо работает на ХР и 7, но и на более поздних ОС под неё люди подстраиваются. Хотя проблемные видео я обрабатываю в старых системах.
Эти программы позволяют улучшать видео и грамотно делать сжатие.
Для монтажа рекомендую Pinnacle Studio 14 Ultimate, её достаточно просто освоить с нуля. Но в неё надо подавать качественное видео, и сжатие выходного файла делать не в ней.
Для более конкретных советов нужен кусочек вашего исходника.
Поделиться3703-06-2019 15:29:20
Спасибо, для начала мне нужно перевернуть исходник, прямая пересьемка с плёнки 16мм. Совсем быстро выложить не смогу, времени мало совсем, работа. Все урывками только, и с Ютюб проблемы, блокируют по вечерам иногда.
Поделиться3803-06-2019 17:17:41
Вот на Ютуб как раз примеры выкладывать не надо, т.к. он на своё усмотрение перекодирует видео. Это всё равно, что картину реставрировать по фотографии.
Нужно сам файл захвата залить на облако и прислать ссылку. Ну или передать через торрент магнет-ссылкой, если умеете.
Отредактировано GreifeR (03-06-2019 17:18:45)
Поделиться3903-06-2019 17:22:12
Сначала прогнал через скрипт ависинт,потом в редакторе XMedia Recode добавил насыщенность. В VirtualDub есть неплохой фильтр "Color Mill (2/1).
dan74, а скрипт для Ависинта можете выложить?
Поделиться4004-06-2019 09:14:21
скрипты брал здесь - https://letransfert.soforums.com/f29-Le … apture.htm
Тему забыл,там ролик красный, снятый в Африке реставрируют.
1 скрипт которым в посте правил -
AVISource("C:\Users\zzzzzzzz2019zzzzzzzz\Desktop\123999.avi") # путь к фильму LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\GRunT.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RGBAdapt.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RT_Stats.dll") # display tunings comparison = false show_scrutinized = false show_info = false Levels(19, 1.228, 255, 0, 255) # color space matrix tuning and specify the source rectangle under scrutiny matrix = "Rec601" x = 0.09 Y= 0.09 w = 0.09 h = 0.09 # autogain tunings threshold = 0.10 gain_strength = 1.0 # autocontraste tunings auto_cont = true cont_strength = 1.0 # gamma process tunings auto_spow = true rpow_strength = 1.0 spow_strength = 1.0 pord = false # bias tuning bias_strength = 1.0 # If you use AvsPmod user sliders you can delete comment for follow lines #~ #~ comparison = Select(0, false , true) #~ show_scrutinized = Select(0, false , true) #~ show_info = Select(0, false , true) #~ #~ matrix = Select(0, "Rec601" , "Rec709") #~ x = 0.07 #~ Y= 0.07 #~ w = 0.07 #~ h = 0.07 #~ threshold = 0.1 #~ #~ #~ gain_strength = 1.0 #~ #~ auto_cont = Select(1, false , true) #~ #~ cont_strength = 1.0 #~ #~ auto_spow = Select(1, false , true) #~ #~ rpow_strength = 1.0 #~ spow_strength = 1.0 #~ pord = Select(0, false , true) #~ #~ bias_strength = 1.0 output = RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = show_scrutinized, show_info = show_info, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \ threshold = threshold, gain_strength = gain_strength, auto_cont = auto_cont,cont_strength = cont_strength, \ auto_spow = auto_spow,rpow_strength = rpow_strength, spow_strength = spow_strength, pord = pord, bias_strength = bias_strength) without_cont_output = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \ threshold = threshold, cont_strength = 0.0, auto_spow = false)\ .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain, rpow_strength, spow_strength and bias process no cont and no auto mode for gamma"+ \ "\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \ "\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 1.0" + " spow strength : 1.0" + " pord : false" +\ "\n bias strength : 1.0" , lsp = 20) bias_only = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \ threshold = threshold, gain_strength = 0.0, cont_strength = 0.0, rpow_strength = 0.0)\ .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("bias process only output near ColorYUV autowhite"+ \ "\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 0.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \ "\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 0.0" + " spow strength : 0.0" + " pord : false" +\ "\n bias strength : 1.0" , lsp = 20) gain_bias_only = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \ threshold = threshold, cont_strength = 0.0, rpow_strength = 0.0)\ .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain and bias process only"+ \ "\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \ "\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 0.0" + " spow strength : 0.0" + " pord : false" +\ "\n bias strength : 1.0", lsp = 20) gain_gamma_only = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \ threshold = threshold, cont_strength = 0.0, auto_spow = false, bias_strength = 0.0) \ .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain cont rpow and spow process but no bias process and no auto mode for cont and gamma"+ \ "\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \ "\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 1.0" + " spow strength : 1.0" + " pord : false" +\ "\n bias strength : 0.0" , lsp = 20) all = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold) \ .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain cont rpow spow and bias process with auto mode for cont and gamma"+ \ "\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : true cont strength : 1.0" + \ "\n auto_spow : true rpow strength : 1.0" + " spow strength : 1.0" + " pord : false" +\ "\n bias strength : 1.0" , lsp = 20) compared_output = (!comparison) ? nop : StackVertical(StackHorizontal(last.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000).Subtitle("original"),gain_bias_only, all), \ StackHorizontal(bias_only, gain_gamma_only, output .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000)\ . Subtitle ("user setting where all args are free" + \ "\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : " + LeftStr(string(gain_strength),3) + " auto_cont : " + string(auto_cont)+\ " cont strength : " + LeftStr(string(cont_strength),3) + \ "\n auto_spow : " + string(auto_spow) + " rpow strength : " + LeftStr(string(rpow_strength),3) +" spow strength : " + \ LeftStr(string(spow_strength),3) + " pord : " + string(pord) +\ "\n bias strength : " + LeftStr(string(bias_strength),3) , lsp = 20))) (!comparison) ? output : compared_output # ---------------------------- function script ------------------------------------- function RGBAdapt_awb_process(clip clip, string "matrix",bool "show_scrutinized", bool "show_info", float "x", float "y", float "w", float "h", \ float "threshold", float "gain_strength" , bool "auto_cont", float "cont_strength", \ bool "auto_spow", float "rpow_strength", float "spow_strength", bool "pord", float "bias_strength") { #----------------------------------------------based on RGBADapt plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------# # script author : StainlessS http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1681286#post1681286 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #---------------------------------------------- need RT_Stats plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # script author : StainlessS http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1584313#post1584313 # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #---------------------------------------------- need GRunT plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # script author : Gavino http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1157083#post1157083 # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assert(IsYV12(clip) || IsRGB(clip)," Input video colorspace must be YV12 or RGB, not YUV") matrix = string(Default(matrix, "Rec601") ) # Color standard, Rec 601 or Rec 709 Assert(matrix == "Rec601" || matrix == "Rec709", """RGBAdapt_auto_awb: matrix "Rec601" or "Rec709"""") show_scrutinized = Default(show_scrutinized, false) # show scrutinized aera or not, default false show_info = Default(show_info, false) # show info or not, default false x = float(Default(x,0.00)) #width percentage to specify the coords source rectangle under scrutiny, the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame Assert(x>=0.00 && x <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: x 0.00 -> 0.99") y = float(Default(y,0.00)) #heignt percentage to specify the coords source rectangle under scrutiny, the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame Assert(y>=0.00 && y <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: y 0.00 -> 0.99") w = float(Default(w,0.00)) #coords specify the source rectangle under scrutiny, the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame Assert(w>=0.00 && w <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: w 0.00 -> 0.99") Assert(x+w>=0.00 && x+w <= 0.99 ,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: x+w 0.00 -> 0.99") h = float(Default(h,0.00)) #coords specify the source rectangle under scrutiny , the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame Assert(h>=0.00 && h <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: h 0.00 -> 0.99") Assert(y+h>=0.00 && y+h <= 0.99 ,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: x+w 0.00 -> 0.99") threshold = Float(Default(threshold, 0.10)) # threshold arg of RT_Stats plugin Assert(threshold>=0.00 && threshold <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: threshold 0.00 -> 1.00") gain_strength = Float(Default(gain_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for gain Assert(gain_strength>=0.00 && gain_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: gain_strength 0.00 -> 1.00") auto_cont = Default(auto_cont, true) # auto weighted cont_strength arg cont_strength = Float(Default(cont_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for contrast Assert(cont_strength>=0.00 && cont_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: cont_strength 0.00 -> 1.00") auto_spow = Default(auto_spow, true) # auto weighted rpow_strength arg control by cont_strength arg rpow_strength = Float(Default(rpow_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for rpow Assert(rpow_strength>=0.00 && rpow_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: rpow_strength 0.00 -> 1.00") spow_strength = Float(Default(spow_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for spow Assert(spow_strength>=0.00 && spow_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: spow_strength 0.00 -> 1.00") pord = Default(pord, false) # RGBAdapt pord arg bias_strength = Float(Default(bias_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for automatic bias_strength Assert(bias_strength>=0.00 && bias_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: bias_strength 0.00 -> 1.00") #---------- Specify the source rectangle under scrutiny x = int(Width(clip) * x) y = int(Height(clip) * y) w = int(-Width(clip) * w) h = int(-Height(clip) * h) #--------- RGB color space process RGB_clip = (!isRGB(clip)) ? ConvertToRGB24(clip, matrix=matrix) : clip #--------- AWB process ScriptClip(RGB_clip, """ #---------- First pass : gain process for each channel RT_RgbChanStats( RGB_clip, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 1+2+4+16) # ------ detection BlankClip and condition to avoid division by 0 blanklip = RCS_MinMaxDiff_0 + RCS_MinMaxDiff_1 + RCS_MinMaxDiff_2 RCS_MinMaxDiff_0 = Max (RCS_MinMaxDiff_0, 0.01) RCS_MinMaxDiff_1 = Max (RCS_MinMaxDiff_1, 0.01) RCS_MinMaxDiff_2 = Max (RCS_MinMaxDiff_2, 0.01) #---- gain process r_gain = 1 - (1 - float(255.0/RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)) * gain_strength r_bias = - RCS_Min_0 * r_gain * gain_strength g_gain = 1 - (1 - float(255.0/RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)) * gain_strength g_bias = - RCS_Min_1 * g_gain * gain_strength b_gain = 1 - (1 - float(255.0/RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)) * gain_strength b_bias = - RCS_Min_2 * b_gain * gain_strength #---- cont process # Cont is dangerous, because it can overshoot light and dark, but it is necessary to help to find good correction for very big # color cast. Thus bool auto_cont arg enable a automatic weighted autocont stength. I observe that picture do'nt need contraste is # picture, which have a large histogram, which have min value near 0 et max value near 255, which have bigger min max diff value. # But not it is simple, sometime the automatic weigthed autocont stength must be desable. r_cont = (!auto_cont) ? 1 - (1 - r_gain) * cont_strength : 1 - (1 - r_gain) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)/255.0 r_cont_max = RCS_Max_0 * r_gain + r_bias + (r_cont - 1) *(RCS_Max_0 - 128) g_cont = (!auto_cont) ? 1 - (1 - g_gain) * cont_strength : 1 - (1 - g_gain) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)/255.0 g_cont_max = RCS_Max_1 * g_gain + g_bias + (g_cont - 1) *(RCS_Max_1 - 128) b_cont = (!auto_cont) ? 1 - (1 - b_gain) * cont_strength : 1 - (1 - b_gain) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)/255.0 b_cont_max = RCS_Max_2 * b_gain + b_bias + (b_cont - 1) *(RCS_Max_2 - 128) r_cont_bias = (!auto_cont) ? (255 - r_cont_max) * cont_strength : \ (255 - r_cont_max) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)/255.0 g_cont_bias = (!auto_cont) ? (255 - g_cont_max) * cont_strength : \ (255 - g_cont_max) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)/255.0 b_cont_bias = (!auto_cont) ? (255 - b_cont_max) * cont_strength : \ (255 - b_cont_max) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)/255.0 #------------ gain and cont in RGBadapt args range r_gain = Min (8.0, Max (r_gain, -8.0)) g_gain = Min (8.0, Max (g_gain, -8.0)) b_gain = Min (8.0, Max (b_gain, -8.0)) r_cont = Min (8.0, Max (r_cont, -8.0)) g_cont = Min (8.0, Max (g_cont, -8.0)) b_cont = Min (8.0, Max (b_cont, -8.0)) r_bias = r_bias + r_cont_bias r_bias = Min (512.0, Max (r_bias, -512.0)) g_bias = g_bias + g_cont_bias g_bias = Min (512.0, Max (g_bias, -512.0)) b_bias = b_bias + b_cont_bias b_bias = Min (512.0, Max (b_bias, -512.0)) #---------- gamma curves corrections process in accordance with gray world theory #----------- RGB values calculation r_gain_cont_ave = RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias + (r_cont - 1) *(RCS_Ave_0 - 128) g_gain_cont_ave = RCS_Ave_1 * g_gain + g_bias + (g_cont - 1) *(RCS_Ave_1 - 128) b_gain_cont_ave = RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias + (b_cont - 1) *(RCS_Ave_2 - 128) #----------- RGB gamma corrections values calcul # In gray world theory, in YUV range, we increase or decrease average value to ref = 128.0, but in RGB range # average of channel average values is better, with average of channel average value after gain process the # picture ligth is better # In gamma process, to incresae or decrease average value, we use gamma args. To find this gamma args, we # solve this equation ref = pow(average value/255.0,1/gamma args) # Gamma corrections are calculated with gain output, because is more refine than calculated with gain and cont output ref = (RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias + RCS_Ave_1 * g_gain + g_bias + RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias)/3.0 r_rpow = 1 + (log((RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias)/255.0)/log(ref/255.0) -1) * rpow_strength r_rpow = Min (4.0, Max (r_rpow, 0.1)) g_rpow = 1 + (log((RCS_Ave_1* g_gain + g_bias)/255.0)/log(ref/255.0) - 1) * rpow_strength g_rpow = Min (4.0, Max (g_rpow, 0.1)) b_rpow = 1 + (log((RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias)/255.0)/log(ref/255.0) -1) * rpow_strength b_rpow = Min (4.0, Max (b_rpow, 0.1)) #----------- RGB correction with spow curve calcul #------- Spow process is enable in default mode, spmid and pord args default values increase #------- rpow process action, thus we get more color saturation but also more dark aeras. #------- Spow for rpow is like contrast for gain. Thus i use the same factor to get automatic #------- weigthed spow arg r_spow = (!auto_spow) ? 1 - (1 - 1/r_rpow) * spow_strength : \ 1 - (1 - 1/r_rpow) * spow_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)/255.0 r_spow = Min (4.0, Max (r_spow, 0.1)) g_spow = (!auto_spow) ? 1 - (1 - 1/g_rpow) * spow_strength : \ 1 - (1 - 1/g_rpow) * spow_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)/255.0 g_spow = Min (4.0, Max (g_spow, 0.1)) b_spow = (!auto_spow) ? 1 - (1 - 1/b_rpow) * spow_strength : \ 1 - (1 - 1/b_rpow) * spow_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)/255.0 b_spow = Min (4.0, Max (b_spow, 0.1)) r_spmid = (r_spow == 1.0) ? 0.5 : (RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias)/255.0 r_spmid = Min (0.99, Max (r_spmid, 0.01)) g_spmid = (g_spow == 1.0) ? 0.5 : (RCS_Ave_1* g_gain + g_bias)/255.0 g_spmid = Min (0.99, Max (g_spmid, 0.01)) b_spmid = (b_spow == 1.0) ? 0.5 : (RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias)/255.0 b_spmid = Min (0.99, Max (b_spmid, 0.01)) #---------- bias corrections process in accordance with gray world theory #----------- RGB bias corrections extraction and calcul RGBAdapt( RGB_clip, \ R_bias = r_bias, R_Gain = r_gain, R_Cont = r_cont, R_rpow = r_rpow, R_spow = r_spow, R_SPMid = r_spmid, R_Pord = pord,\ G_bias = g_bias, G_Gain = g_gain, G_Cont = g_cont, G_rpow = g_rpow, G_spow = g_spow, G_SPMid = g_spmid, G_Pord = pord,\ B_bias = b_bias, B_Gain = b_gain, B_Cont = b_cont, B_rpow = b_rpow, B_spow = b_spow, B_SPMid = b_spmid, B_Pord = pord) RT_RgbChanStats( LAST, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 16) ref = (RCS_Ave_0 + RCS_Ave_1 + RCS_Ave_2)/3.0 # in RGB range ref is better 128.0 for Gray world theory correction dr = ref - RCS_Ave_0 dg = ref - RCS_Ave_1 db = ref - RCS_Ave_2 r_bias = (r_bias + dr * bias_strength) r_bias = Min (512.0, Max (r_bias, -512.0)) g_bias = (g_bias + dg * bias_strength) g_bias = Min (512.0, Max (g_bias, -512.0)) b_bias = (b_bias + db * bias_strength) b_bias = Min (512.0, Max (b_bias, -512.0)) RGBAdapt( RGB_clip, \ R_bias = r_bias, R_Gain = r_gain, R_Cont = r_cont, R_rpow = r_rpow, R_spow = r_spow, R_SPMid = r_spmid, R_Pord = pord,\ G_bias = g_bias, G_Gain = g_gain, G_Cont = g_cont, G_rpow = g_rpow, G_spow = g_spow, G_SPMid = g_spmid, G_Pord = pord,\ B_bias = b_bias, B_Gain = b_gain, B_Cont = b_cont, B_rpow = b_rpow, B_spow = b_spow, B_SPMid = b_spmid, B_Pord = pord) (blanklip == 0) ? RGB_clip : last #----------- variables strings are tuned in global mode for data display in following ScriptClip global r_args = (!show_info)? nop : \ RT_String("\\n R_bias : %s R_gain : %s R_cont : %s \\n R_rpow : %s R_spow : %s R_spmid : %s",\ string(r_bias), string(r_gain), string(r_cont), string(r_rpow), string(r_spow), string(r_spmid),esc =1) global g_args = (!show_info)? nop : \ RT_String("\\n G_bias : %s G_gain : %s G_cont : %s \\n G_rpow : %s G_spow : %s G_spmid : %s",\ string(g_bias), string(g_gain), string(g_cont), string(g_rpow), string(g_spow), string(g_spmid),esc =1) global b_args = (!show_info)? nop : \ RT_String("\\n B_bias : %s B_gain : %s B_cont : %s \\n B_rpow : %s B_spow : %s B_spmid : %s",\ string(b_bias), string(b_gain), string(b_cont), string(b_rpow), string(b_spow), string(b_spmid),esc =1) return last """, args = "RGB_clip, show_info, x, y, w , h, gain_strength, threshold, auto_cont, cont_strength, auto_spow, rpow_strength, spow_strength,"+\ "pord, bias_strength") #--------- datas display process (!show_info) ? last :\ ScriptClip(last, """ #--------- start RGB values extraction for display RT_RgbChanStats( RGB_clip, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 1+2+4+16) start_ave = (RCS_Ave_0 + RCS_Ave_1 + RCS_Ave_2)/3.0 r_start = RT_String("\\nDeparture : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\ string(RCS_Ave_0), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_0), string(RCS_Min_0), string(RCS_Max_0),esc =1) g_start = RT_String("\\nDeparture : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\ string(RCS_Ave_1), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_1), string(RCS_Min_1), string(RCS_Max_1),esc =1) b_start = RT_String("\\nDeparture : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\ string(RCS_Ave_2), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_2), string(RCS_Min_2), string(RCS_Max_2),esc =1) #--------- final RGB values extraction for display RT_RgbChanStats( last, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 1+2+4+8+16) r_end = RT_String("\\nFinish : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\ string(RCS_Ave_0), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_0), string(RCS_Min_0), string(RCS_Max_0),esc =1) g_end = RT_String("\\nFinish : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\ string(RCS_Ave_1), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_1), string(RCS_Min_1), string(RCS_Max_1),esc =1) b_end = RT_String("\\nFinish : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\ string(RCS_Ave_2), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_2), string(RCS_Min_2), string(RCS_Max_2),esc =1) #-------- display Subtitle("channels averages average : " + string(start_ave)+\ "\n\n" + "Red values : " + r_start + r_args + r_end +\ "\n\n" + "Green values : " + g_start + g_args + g_end+\ "\n\n" + "Blue values : " + b_start + b_args + b_end+\ "\n\n" + "channels averages average : " + string((RCS_Ave_0 + RCS_Ave_1 + RCS_Ave_2 )/3)\ ,y = 20, lsp = 20, text_color = $00FFFF00, halo_color = $00000000, size = float(height()/32.0)) return last """, args = "RGB_clip, x, y, w , h, threshold") #-------- display scrutinized aera scrutinized_green = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : BlankClip(RGB_clip, width = (Width(last)-x+w), height = (Height(last)-y+h), color=$00FF00) scrutinized_white = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Blankclip(RGB_clip, width = (Width(last)-x+w), height = (Height(last)-y+h), color=$FFFFFF) scrutinized_int = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Blankclip(RGB_clip, width = (Width(scrutinized_white)-4), height = (Height(scrutinized_white)-4),\ color=000000) scrutinized_mask = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Overlay(scrutinized_white, scrutinized_int, x=2, y=2, opacity=1.0, mode="multiply", greymask=true,\ ignore_conditional=false, pc_range=false) scrutinized = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Overlay(last, scrutinized_green, mask = scrutinized_mask, x=x, y=y, opacity=1.0, mode="blend", greymask=true,\ ignore_conditional=false, pc_range=false) (!show_scrutinized)? last : scrutinized #--------- End of RGB color space process !isRGB(clip) ? ConvertToYV12(last, matrix=matrix) : last }
2 скрипт с ползунками, на попробовать -
AVISource("C:\Users\zzzzz2019zzzzz\Desktop\9999.avi") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\GRunT.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RGBAdapt.dll") show_info_nb = 0 show_info = (show_info_nb==0) ? false : true # show info or not, default false comparison_nb = 0 comparison = (comparison_nb==0) ? false : true # show original vs processed comparison or not, default false awb_nb = 1 awb = (awb_nb == 0) ? false : true strength_bias = 0.7 # linear curve use strength, between 0.0 and 1.0, default 0.5 strength_rpow = -0.5 # rpow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 strength_spow = 2.4 # spow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 R_spmid = 0.1 # it is original R_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 G_spmid = 0.65 # it is original G_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 B_spmid = 0.1 # it is original B_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 R_pord_nb = 1 R_pord = (R_pord_nb == 0) ? false : true # it is original R_pord args G_pord_nb = 1 G_pord = (G_pord_nb == 0) ? false : true # it is original G_pord args B_pord_nb = 1 B_pord = (B_pord_nb == 0) ? false : true # it is original B_pord args R_bias_manu = -47 # same range with original R_bias args G_bias_manu = -23 # same range with original G_bias args B_bias_manu = -47 # same range with original B_bias args R_gain = 1.0 # it is original R_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 G_gain = 1.0 # it is original G_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 B_gain = 1.0 # it is original B_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 R_cont = 1.0 # it is original R_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 G_cont = 1.0 # it is original G_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 B_cont = 0.7 # it is original B_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 R_rpow_manu = 0.0 # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) G_rpow_manu = 0.0 # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) B_rpow_manu = 0.0 # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) R_spow_manu = 0.0 # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) G_spow_manu = 0.0 # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) B_spow_manu = 0.0 # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) RGBAdapt_awb_auto( \ R_bias_manu = R_bias_manu, R_gain = R_gain, R_cont = R_cont, R_rpow_manu = R_rpow_manu, R_spow_manu =R_spow_manu, R_spmid = R_spmid, R_pord = R_pord,\ G_bias_manu = G_bias_manu, G_gain = G_gain, G_cont = G_cont, G_rpow_manu = G_rpow_manu, G_spow_manu =G_spow_manu, G_spmid = G_spmid, G_pord = G_pord,\ B_bias_manu = B_bias_manu, B_gain = B_gain, B_cont = B_cont, B_rpow_manu = B_rpow_manu, B_spow_manu =B_spow_manu, B_spmid = B_spmid, B_pord = B_pord,\ awb = awb, strength_bias = strength_bias, strength_rpow = strength_rpow, strength_spow = strength_spow,\ show_info = show_info, comparison = comparison) function RGBAdapt_awb_auto(clip clip, bool "awb",\ float "R_bias_manu", float "R_gain", float "R_cont", float "R_rpow_manu", float "R_spow_manu", float "R_spmid", bool "R_pord",\ float "G_bias_manu", float "G_gain", float "G_cont", float "G_rpow_manu", float "G_spow_manu", float "G_spmid", bool "G_pord",\ float "B_bias_manu", float "B_gain", float "B_cont", float "B_rpow_manu", float "B_spow_manu", float "B_spmid", bool "B_pord",\ float "strength_bias", float "strength_rpow", float "strength_spow",\ bool "show_info", bool "comparison") { #----------------------------------------------based on RGBADapt plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------# # script author : StainlessS http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1681286#post1681286 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #---------------------------------------------- need GRunT plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # script author : Gavino http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1157083#post1157083 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # test = isRGB(clip) (test == false) ? ConvertToRGB32(clip, matrix="Rec601") : clip clip = last awb = Default(awb,true) # auto white balance mode awb_nb = (awb == false) ? 0 : 1 R_bias_manu = Default(R_bias_manu, 0) # same range with original R_bias args G_bias_manu = Default(G_bias_manu, 0) # same range with original G_bias args B_bias_manu = Default(B_bias_manu, 0) # same range with original B_bias args R_gain = Default(R_gain, 1) # it is original R_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 G_gain = Default(G_gain, 1) # it is original G_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 B_gain = Default(B_gain, 1) # it is original B_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 R_cont = Default(R_cont, 1) # it is original R_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 G_cont = Default(G_cont, 1) # it is original G_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 B_cont = Default(B_cont, 1) # it is original B_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 R_rpow_manu = Default(R_rpow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) G_rpow_manu = Default(G_rpow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) B_rpow_manu = Default(B_rpow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) R_spow_manu = Default(R_spow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) G_spow_manu = Default(G_spow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) B_spow_manu = Default(B_spow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) R_spmid = Default(R_spmid, 0.5) # it is original R_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 G_spmid = Default(G_spmid, 0.5) # it is original G_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 B_spmid = Default(B_spmid, 0.5) # it is original B_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 R_pord = Default(R_pord, false) # it is original R_pord args G_pord = Default(G_pord, false) # it is original G_pord args B_pord = Default(B_pord, false) # it is original B_pord args strength_bias = Default(strength_bias, 0.8) # linear curve use strength, between 0.0 and 1.0, default 0.8 strength_rpow = Default(strength_rpow,1.0) # rpow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 strength_spow = Default(strength_spow,1.0) # spow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 show_info = Default(show_info, false) # show info or not, default false comparison = Default(comparison, false) # show original vs processed comparison or not, default false neutre = BlankClip( clip,pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000) luma = Greyscale(clip, matrix="Rec601") red=ShowRed(clip,"RGB32") green = ShowGreen(clip,"RGB32") blue = ShowBlue(clip,"RGB32") ScriptClip(clip, """ #------------ RGB values calcul luma_value = RGBDifference(luma, neutre) r = RGBDifference(neutre, red) g = RGBDifference(neutre,green) b = RGBDifference(neutre,blue) #----------- RGB correction calcul dr = luma_value-r dg = luma_value-g db = luma_value-b #----------- RGB correction with linear curve calcul (Bias) dr1_calcul = dr * strength_bias * awb_nb + R_bias_manu dr1_low_limit = Max (dr1_calcul, -512) dr1 = Min (512, dr1_low_limit) dg1_calcul = dg * strength_bias * awb_nb + G_bias_manu dg1_low_limit = Max (dg1_calcul, -512) dg1 = Min (512, dg1_low_limit) db1_calcul = db * strength_bias * awb_nb + B_bias_manu db1_low_limit = Max (db1_calcul, -512) db1 = Min (512, db1_low_limit) #----------- RGB correction with Rpow and Spow curves calcul dr2 = (dr - dr * strength_bias) * awb_nb dg2 = (dg - dg * strength_bias) * awb_nb db2 = (db - db * strength_bias) * awb_nb #----------- RGB correction with Rpow curve calcul yr_calcul = (dr2 < 0) ? 1+dr2 * strength_rpow/128 + R_Rpow_manu : 1/(1-dr2 * strength_rpow/128) + R_Rpow_manu yr_low_limit = Max (yr_calcul, 0.1) yr = Min (4.0, yr_low_limit) yg_calcul = (dg2 < 0) ? 1+dg2 * strength_rpow/128 + G_Rpow_manu : 1/(1-dg2 * strength_rpow/128) + G_Rpow_manu yg_low_limit = Max (yg_calcul, 0.1) yg = Min (4.0, yg_low_limit) yb_calcul = (db2 < 0) ? 1+db2 * strength_rpow/128 + B_Rpow_manu : 1/(1-db2 * strength_rpow/128) + B_Rpow_manu yb_low_limit = Max (yb_calcul, 0.1) yb = Min (4.0, yb_low_limit) #----------- RGB correction with Spow curve calcul sr_calcul = (dr2 < 0) ? 1+dr2 * strength_spow/128 + R_Spow_manu : 1/(1-dr2 * strength_spow/128) + R_Spow_manu sr_low_limit = Max (sr_calcul, 0.1) sr = Min (4.0, sr_low_limit) sg_calcul = (dg2 < 0) ? 1+dg2 * strength_spow/128 + G_Spow_manu : 1/(1-dg2 * strength_spow/128) + G_Spow_manu sg_low_limit = Max (sg_calcul, 0.1) sg = Min (4.0, sg_low_limit) sb_calcul = (db2 < 0) ? 1+db2 * strength_spow/128 + B_Spow_manu : 1/(1-db2 * strength_spow/128) + B_Spow_manu sb_low_limit = Max (sb_calcul, 0.1) sb = Min (4.0, sb_low_limit) (show_info == false)? \ RGBAdapt( \ R_Bias = dr1, R_Gain = R_Gain, R_Cont = R_Cont, R_RPow = yr, R_Spow = sr, R_SPMid = R_spmid, R_Pord = R_pord, \ G_Bias = dg1, G_Gain = G_Gain, G_Cont = G_Cont, G_RPow = yg, G_Spow = sg, G_SPMid = G_spmid, G_Pord = G_pord,\ B_Bias = db1, B_Gain = B_Gain, B_Cont = B_Cont, B_RPow = yb, B_Spow = sb, B_SPMid = B_spmid, B_Pord = B_pord)\ :\ RGBAdapt( \ R_Bias = dr1, R_Gain = R_Gain, R_Cont = R_Cont, R_RPow = yr, R_Spow = sr, R_SPMid = R_spmid, R_Pord = R_pord, \ G_Bias = dg1, G_Gain = G_Gain, G_Cont = G_Cont, G_RPow = yg, G_Spow = sg, G_SPMid = G_spmid, G_Pord = G_pord,\ B_Bias = db1, B_Gain = B_Gain, B_Cont = B_Cont, B_RPow = yb, B_Spow = sb, B_SPMid = B_spmid, B_Pord = B_pord)\ .Subtitle("Red value : "+String(r)+\ "\n Middle - Red Value : "+String(dr)+\ "\n Bias : "+String(dr1)+\ "\n Gamma and S correction base : "+String(dr2)+\ "\n Rpow : "+String(yr)+" Spow : "+String(sr),y=40,lsp=20)\ .Subtitle("Green value : "+String(g)+\ "\n Middle - Green Value : "+String(dg)+\ "\n Bias : "+String(dg1)+\ "\n Gamma and S correction base : "+String(dg2)+\ "\n Rpow : "+String(yg)+" Spow : "+String(sg),y=160,lsp=20)\ .Subtitle("Blue value : "+String(b)+\ "\n Middle - Blue Value : "+String(db)+\ "\n Bias : "+String(db1)+\ "\n Gamma and S correction base : "+String(db2)+\ "\n Rpow : "+String(yb)+" Spow : "+String(sb), y=280,lsp=20) """, args = "R_bias_manu, R_gain, R_cont, R_rpow_manu, R_spow_manu, R_spmid, R_pord," +\ "G_bias_manu, G_gain, G_cont, G_rpow_manu, G_spow_manu, G_spmid, G_pord,"+\ "B_bias_manu, B_gain, B_cont, B_rpow_manu, B_spow_manu, B_spmid, B_pord,"+\ "neutre, red, green, blue,luma,"+\ "awb_nb, strength_bias, strength_rpow, strength_spow,"+\ "show_info") (comparison == false) ? last : StackHorizontal(clip,last) (test == false) ? ConvertToYV12(last, matrix="Rec601") : last } ### AvsP marked script ### # # # # # AVISource("C:\Users\zzzzz2019zzzzz\Desktop\9999.avi") # # # # # LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\GRunT.dll") # LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RGBAdapt.dll") # # [<separator>] # show_info_nb = [<"show_info_nb", 0, 1, 0>] # show_info = (show_info_nb==0) ? false : true # show info or not, default false # comparison_nb = [<"comparison_nb", 0, 1, 0>] # comparison = (comparison_nb==0) ? false : true # show original vs processed comparison or not, default false # # [<separator>] # [<separator>] # awb_nb = [<"awb_nb", 0, 1, 1>] # awb = (awb_nb == 0) ? false : true # # strength_bias = [<"strength_bias", 0.0, 1.0, 0.7>] # linear curve use strength, between 0.0 and 1.0, default 0.5 # strength_rpow = [<"Strength_rpow", -4.0, 4.0, -0.5>] # rpow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 # strength_spow = [<"Strength_spow", -4.0, 4.0, 2.4>] # spow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 # # R_spmid = [<"R_spmid", 0.1, 0.99, 0.1>] # it is original R_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 # G_spmid = [<"G_spmid", 0.1, 0.99, 0.65>] # it is original G_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 # B_spmid = [<"B_spmid", 0.1, 0.99, 0.1>] # it is original B_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 # # R_pord_nb = [<"R_pord_nb", 0, 1, 1>] # R_pord = (R_pord_nb == 0) ? false : true # it is original R_pord args # G_pord_nb = [<"G_pord_nb", 0, 1, 1>] # G_pord = (G_pord_nb == 0) ? false : true # it is original G_pord args # B_pord_nb = [<"B_pord_nb", 0, 1, 1>] # B_pord = (B_pord_nb == 0) ? false : true # it is original B_pord args # # [<separator>] # R_bias_manu = [<"R_bias_manu", -512, 512, -47>] # same range with original R_bias args # G_bias_manu = [<"G_bias_manu", -512, 512, -23>] # same range with original G_bias args # B_bias_manu = [<"B_bias_manu", -512, 512, -47>] # same range with original B_bias args # # R_gain = [<"R_gain", -8, 8, 1.0>] # it is original R_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # G_gain = [<"G_gain", -8, 8, 1.0>] # it is original G_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # B_gain = [<"B_gain", -8, 8, 1.0>] # it is original B_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # # R_cont = [<"R_cont", -8, 8, 1.0>] # it is original R_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # G_cont = [<"G_cont", -8, 8, 1.0>] # it is original G_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # B_cont = [<"B_cont", -8, 8, 0.7>] # it is original B_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # # R_rpow_manu = [<"R_rpow_manu", -0.9, 3.0, 0.0>] # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # G_rpow_manu = [<"G_rpow_manu", -0.9, 3.0, 0.0>] # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # B_rpow_manu = [<"B_rpow_manu", -0.9, 3.0, 0.0>] # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # # R_spow_manu = [<"R_spow_manu", -0.9, 3.0, 0.0>] # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # G_spow_manu = [<"G_spow_manu", -0.9, 3.0, 0.0>] # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # B_spow_manu = [<"B_spow_manu", -0.9, 3.0, 0.0>] # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # # RGBAdapt_awb_auto( \ # R_bias_manu = R_bias_manu, R_gain = R_gain, R_cont = R_cont, R_rpow_manu = R_rpow_manu, R_spow_manu =R_spow_manu, R_spmid = R_spmid, R_pord = R_pord,\ # G_bias_manu = G_bias_manu, G_gain = G_gain, G_cont = G_cont, G_rpow_manu = G_rpow_manu, G_spow_manu =G_spow_manu, G_spmid = G_spmid, G_pord = G_pord,\ # B_bias_manu = B_bias_manu, B_gain = B_gain, B_cont = B_cont, B_rpow_manu = B_rpow_manu, B_spow_manu =B_spow_manu, B_spmid = B_spmid, B_pord = B_pord,\ # awb = awb, strength_bias = strength_bias, strength_rpow = strength_rpow, strength_spow = strength_spow,\ # show_info = show_info, comparison = comparison) # # # function RGBAdapt_awb_auto(clip clip, bool "awb",\ # float "R_bias_manu", float "R_gain", float "R_cont", float "R_rpow_manu", float "R_spow_manu", float "R_spmid", bool "R_pord",\ # float "G_bias_manu", float "G_gain", float "G_cont", float "G_rpow_manu", float "G_spow_manu", float "G_spmid", bool "G_pord",\ # float "B_bias_manu", float "B_gain", float "B_cont", float "B_rpow_manu", float "B_spow_manu", float "B_spmid", bool "B_pord",\ # float "strength_bias", float "strength_rpow", float "strength_spow",\ # bool "show_info", bool "comparison") # # { # # #----------------------------------------------based on RGBADapt plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------# # # script author : StainlessS [url=http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1681286#post1681286]http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1681286#post1681286[/url] # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #---------------------------------------------- need GRunT plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # script author : Gavino [url=http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1157083#post1157083]http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1157083#post1157083[/url] # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # test = isRGB(clip) # (test == false) ? ConvertToRGB32(clip, matrix="Rec601") : clip # # clip = last # # awb = Default(awb,true) # auto white balance mode # awb_nb = (awb == false) ? 0 : 1 # # R_bias_manu = Default(R_bias_manu, 0) # same range with original R_bias args # G_bias_manu = Default(G_bias_manu, 0) # same range with original G_bias args # B_bias_manu = Default(B_bias_manu, 0) # same range with original B_bias args # # R_gain = Default(R_gain, 1) # it is original R_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # G_gain = Default(G_gain, 1) # it is original G_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # B_gain = Default(B_gain, 1) # it is original B_gain args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # # R_cont = Default(R_cont, 1) # it is original R_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # G_cont = Default(G_cont, 1) # it is original G_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # B_cont = Default(B_cont, 1) # it is original B_cont args, range -8 to 8 center 1.0 # # R_rpow_manu = Default(R_rpow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # G_rpow_manu = Default(G_rpow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # B_rpow_manu = Default(B_rpow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_rpow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # # R_spow_manu = Default(R_spow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original R_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # G_spow_manu = Default(G_spow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original G_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # B_spow_manu = Default(B_spow_manu, 0) # range -0.9 to 3.0 center 0 (original B_spow range 0.1 to 4.0 center 1.0) # # R_spmid = Default(R_spmid, 0.5) # it is original R_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 # G_spmid = Default(G_spmid, 0.5) # it is original G_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 # B_spmid = Default(B_spmid, 0.5) # it is original B_spmid args, range 0.1 to 0.99 center 0.5 # # R_pord = Default(R_pord, false) # it is original R_pord args # G_pord = Default(G_pord, false) # it is original G_pord args # B_pord = Default(B_pord, false) # it is original B_pord args # # strength_bias = Default(strength_bias, 0.8) # linear curve use strength, between 0.0 and 1.0, default 0.8 # strength_rpow = Default(strength_rpow,1.0) # rpow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 # strength_spow = Default(strength_spow,1.0) # spow curve use strength, between -4.0 and 4.0, default 1.0 # # show_info = Default(show_info, false) # show info or not, default false # comparison = Default(comparison, false) # show original vs processed comparison or not, default false # # neutre = BlankClip( clip,pixel_type="RGB32", color=$000000) # luma = Greyscale(clip, matrix="Rec601") # red=ShowRed(clip,"RGB32") # green = ShowGreen(clip,"RGB32") # blue = ShowBlue(clip,"RGB32") # # ScriptClip(clip, """ # # #------------ RGB values calcul # # luma_value = RGBDifference(luma, neutre) # r = RGBDifference(neutre, red) # g = RGBDifference(neutre,green) # b = RGBDifference(neutre,blue) # # #----------- RGB correction calcul # dr = luma_value-r # dg = luma_value-g # db = luma_value-b # # #----------- RGB correction with linear curve calcul (Bias) # dr1_calcul = dr * strength_bias * awb_nb + R_bias_manu # dr1_low_limit = Max (dr1_calcul, -512) # dr1 = Min (512, dr1_low_limit) # dg1_calcul = dg * strength_bias * awb_nb + G_bias_manu # dg1_low_limit = Max (dg1_calcul, -512) # dg1 = Min (512, dg1_low_limit) # db1_calcul = db * strength_bias * awb_nb + B_bias_manu # db1_low_limit = Max (db1_calcul, -512) # db1 = Min (512, db1_low_limit) # # #----------- RGB correction with Rpow and Spow curves calcul # dr2 = (dr - dr * strength_bias) * awb_nb # dg2 = (dg - dg * strength_bias) * awb_nb # db2 = (db - db * strength_bias) * awb_nb # # #----------- RGB correction with Rpow curve calcul # yr_calcul = (dr2 < 0) ? 1+dr2 * strength_rpow/128 + R_Rpow_manu : 1/(1-dr2 * strength_rpow/128) + R_Rpow_manu # yr_low_limit = Max (yr_calcul, 0.1) # yr = Min (4.0, yr_low_limit) # yg_calcul = (dg2 < 0) ? 1+dg2 * strength_rpow/128 + G_Rpow_manu : 1/(1-dg2 * strength_rpow/128) + G_Rpow_manu # yg_low_limit = Max (yg_calcul, 0.1) # yg = Min (4.0, yg_low_limit) # yb_calcul = (db2 < 0) ? 1+db2 * strength_rpow/128 + B_Rpow_manu : 1/(1-db2 * strength_rpow/128) + B_Rpow_manu # yb_low_limit = Max (yb_calcul, 0.1) # yb = Min (4.0, yb_low_limit) # # #----------- RGB correction with Spow curve calcul # sr_calcul = (dr2 < 0) ? 1+dr2 * strength_spow/128 + R_Spow_manu : 1/(1-dr2 * strength_spow/128) + R_Spow_manu # sr_low_limit = Max (sr_calcul, 0.1) # sr = Min (4.0, sr_low_limit) # sg_calcul = (dg2 < 0) ? 1+dg2 * strength_spow/128 + G_Spow_manu : 1/(1-dg2 * strength_spow/128) + G_Spow_manu # sg_low_limit = Max (sg_calcul, 0.1) # sg = Min (4.0, sg_low_limit) # sb_calcul = (db2 < 0) ? 1+db2 * strength_spow/128 + B_Spow_manu : 1/(1-db2 * strength_spow/128) + B_Spow_manu # sb_low_limit = Max (sb_calcul, 0.1) # sb = Min (4.0, sb_low_limit) # # # (show_info == false)? \ # RGBAdapt( \ # R_Bias = dr1, R_Gain = R_Gain, R_Cont = R_Cont, R_RPow = yr, R_Spow = sr, R_SPMid = R_spmid, R_Pord = R_pord, \ # G_Bias = dg1, G_Gain = G_Gain, G_Cont = G_Cont, G_RPow = yg, G_Spow = sg, G_SPMid = G_spmid, G_Pord = G_pord,\ # B_Bias = db1, B_Gain = B_Gain, B_Cont = B_Cont, B_RPow = yb, B_Spow = sb, B_SPMid = B_spmid, B_Pord = B_pord)\ # :\ # RGBAdapt( \ # R_Bias = dr1, R_Gain = R_Gain, R_Cont = R_Cont, R_RPow = yr, R_Spow = sr, R_SPMid = R_spmid, R_Pord = R_pord, \ # G_Bias = dg1, G_Gain = G_Gain, G_Cont = G_Cont, G_RPow = yg, G_Spow = sg, G_SPMid = G_spmid, G_Pord = G_pord,\ # B_Bias = db1, B_Gain = B_Gain, B_Cont = B_Cont, B_RPow = yb, B_Spow = sb, B_SPMid = B_spmid, B_Pord = B_pord)\ # .Subtitle("Red value : "+String(r)+\ # "\n Middle - Red Value : "+String(dr)+\ # "\n Bias : "+String(dr1)+\ # "\n Gamma and S correction base : "+String(dr2)+\ # "\n Rpow : "+String(yr)+" Spow : "+String(sr),y=40,lsp=20)\ # .Subtitle("Green value : "+String(g)+\ # "\n Middle - Green Value : "+String(dg)+\ # "\n Bias : "+String(dg1)+\ # "\n Gamma and S correction base : "+String(dg2)+\ # "\n Rpow : "+String(yg)+" Spow : "+String(sg),y=160,lsp=20)\ # .Subtitle("Blue value : "+String(b)+\ # "\n Middle - Blue Value : "+String(db)+\ # "\n Bias : "+String(db1)+\ # "\n Gamma and S correction base : "+String(db2)+\ # "\n Rpow : "+String(yb)+" Spow : "+String(sb), y=280,lsp=20) # # """, args = "R_bias_manu, R_gain, R_cont, R_rpow_manu, R_spow_manu, R_spmid, R_pord," +\ # "G_bias_manu, G_gain, G_cont, G_rpow_manu, G_spow_manu, G_spmid, G_pord,"+\ # "B_bias_manu, B_gain, B_cont, B_rpow_manu, B_spow_manu, B_spmid, B_pord,"+\ # "neutre, red, green, blue,luma,"+\ # "awb_nb, strength_bias, strength_rpow, strength_spow,"+\ # "show_info") # # # (comparison == false) ? last : StackHorizontal(clip,last) # # (test == false) ? ConvertToYV12(last, matrix="Rec601") : last # # } ### AvsP marked script ###
Отредактировано dan74 (04-06-2019 09:24:38)