Обработка отсканированного материала с помощью AviSynth
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Поделиться2203-10-2019 09:48:41
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FadeIn(25,color=color_black) # появление из затемнения
Поделиться2316-12-2019 05:51:50
Скрипт восстановления цвета -
имеется регулировка LEVELS
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\GRunT.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RGBAdapt.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\RT_Stats.dll")
# display tunings
comparison = false
show_scrutinized = false
show_info = falseLevels(19, 1.228, 255, 0, 255)
# color space matrix tuning and specify the source rectangle under scrutiny
matrix = "Rec601"
x = 0.09
Y= 0.09
w = 0.09
h = 0.09# autogain tunings
threshold = 0.10
gain_strength = 1.0# autocontraste tunings
auto_cont = true
cont_strength = 1.0# gamma process tunings
auto_spow = true
rpow_strength = 1.0
spow_strength = 1.0
pord = false# bias tuning
bias_strength = 1.0# If you use AvsPmod user sliders you can delete comment for follow lines
#~ comparison = Select(0, false , true)
#~ show_scrutinized = Select(0, false , true)
#~ show_info = Select(0, false , true)#~
#~ matrix = Select(0, "Rec601" , "Rec709")
#~ x = 0.07
#~ Y= 0.07
#~ w = 0.07
#~ h = 0.07
#~ threshold = 0.1#~
#~ gain_strength = 1.0#~
#~ auto_cont = Select(1, false , true)
#~ cont_strength = 1.0#~
#~ auto_spow = Select(1, false , true)
#~ rpow_strength = 1.0
#~ spow_strength = 1.0
#~ pord = Select(0, false , true)#~
#~ bias_strength = 1.0
output = RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = show_scrutinized, show_info = show_info, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \
threshold = threshold, gain_strength = gain_strength, auto_cont = auto_cont,cont_strength = cont_strength, \
auto_spow = auto_spow,rpow_strength = rpow_strength, spow_strength = spow_strength, pord = pord, bias_strength = bias_strength)
without_cont_output = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \
threshold = threshold, cont_strength = 0.0, auto_spow = false)\
.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain, rpow_strength, spow_strength and bias process no cont and no auto mode for gamma"+ \
"\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \
"\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 1.0" + " spow strength : 1.0" + " pord : false" +\
"\n bias strength : 1.0" , lsp = 20)
bias_only = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \
threshold = threshold, gain_strength = 0.0, cont_strength = 0.0, rpow_strength = 0.0)\
.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("bias process only output near ColorYUV autowhite"+ \
"\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 0.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \
"\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 0.0" + " spow strength : 0.0" + " pord : false" +\
"\n bias strength : 1.0" , lsp = 20)gain_bias_only = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \
threshold = threshold, cont_strength = 0.0, rpow_strength = 0.0)\
.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain and bias process only"+ \
"\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \
"\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 0.0" + " spow strength : 0.0" + " pord : false" +\
"\n bias strength : 1.0", lsp = 20)
gain_gamma_only = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, \
threshold = threshold, cont_strength = 0.0, auto_spow = false, bias_strength = 0.0) \
.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain cont rpow and spow process but no bias process and no auto mode for cont and gamma"+ \
"\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : false cont strength : 0.0" + \
"\n auto_spow : false rpow strength : 1.0" + " spow strength : 1.0" + " pord : false" +\
"\n bias strength : 0.0" , lsp = 20)
all = (!comparison) ? nop : RGBAdapt_awb_process(matrix = matrix, show_scrutinized = false, show_info = false, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold) \
.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000). Subtitle ("gain cont rpow spow and bias process with auto mode for cont and gamma"+ \
"\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : 1.0" + " auto_cont : true cont strength : 1.0" + \
"\n auto_spow : true rpow strength : 1.0" + " spow strength : 1.0" + " pord : false" +\
"\n bias strength : 1.0" , lsp = 20)compared_output = (!comparison) ? nop : StackVertical(StackHorizontal(last.AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000).Subtitle("original"),gain_bias_only, all), \
StackHorizontal(bias_only, gain_gamma_only, output .AddBorders(0, 80, 0, 0, color=$000000)\
. Subtitle ("user setting where all args are free" + \
"\n threshold : " + LeftStr(string(threshold),4) + " gain strength : " + LeftStr(string(gain_strength),3) + " auto_cont : " + string(auto_cont)+\
" cont strength : " + LeftStr(string(cont_strength),3) + \
"\n auto_spow : " + string(auto_spow) + " rpow strength : " + LeftStr(string(rpow_strength),3) +" spow strength : " + \
LeftStr(string(spow_strength),3) + " pord : " + string(pord) +\
"\n bias strength : " + LeftStr(string(bias_strength),3) , lsp = 20)))
(!comparison) ? output : compared_output# ---------------------------- function script -------------------------------------
function RGBAdapt_awb_process(clip clip, string "matrix",bool "show_scrutinized", bool "show_info", float "x", float "y", float "w", float "h", \
float "threshold", float "gain_strength" , bool "auto_cont", float "cont_strength", \
bool "auto_spow", float "rpow_strength", float "spow_strength", bool "pord", float "bias_strength")
{#----------------------------------------------based on RGBADapt plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
# script author : StainlessS http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p … ost1681286 #
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##---------------------------------------------- need RT_Stats plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# script author : StainlessS http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p … ost1584313 #
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##---------------------------------------------- need GRunT plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# script author : Gavino http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p … ost1157083 #
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Assert(IsYV12(clip) || IsRGB(clip)," Input video colorspace must be YV12 or RGB, not YUV")
matrix = string(Default(matrix, "Rec601") ) # Color standard, Rec 601 or Rec 709
Assert(matrix == "Rec601" || matrix == "Rec709", """RGBAdapt_auto_awb: matrix "Rec601" or "Rec709"""")
show_scrutinized = Default(show_scrutinized, false) # show scrutinized aera or not, default false
show_info = Default(show_info, false) # show info or not, default false
x = float(Default(x,0.00)) #width percentage to specify the coords source rectangle under scrutiny, the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame
Assert(x>=0.00 && x <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: x 0.00 -> 0.99")
y = float(Default(y,0.00)) #heignt percentage to specify the coords source rectangle under scrutiny, the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame
Assert(y>=0.00 && y <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: y 0.00 -> 0.99")
w = float(Default(w,0.00)) #coords specify the source rectangle under scrutiny, the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame
Assert(w>=0.00 && w <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: w 0.00 -> 0.99")
Assert(x+w>=0.00 && x+w <= 0.99 ,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: x+w 0.00 -> 0.99")
h = float(Default(h,0.00)) #coords specify the source rectangle under scrutiny , the default : x = y = h = w = 0.00 is full frame
Assert(h>=0.00 && h <= 0.99,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: h 0.00 -> 0.99")
Assert(y+h>=0.00 && y+h <= 0.99 ,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: x+w 0.00 -> 0.99")
threshold = Float(Default(threshold, 0.10)) # threshold arg of RT_Stats plugin
Assert(threshold>=0.00 && threshold <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: threshold 0.00 -> 1.00")
gain_strength = Float(Default(gain_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for gain
Assert(gain_strength>=0.00 && gain_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: gain_strength 0.00 -> 1.00")
auto_cont = Default(auto_cont, true) # auto weighted cont_strength arg
cont_strength = Float(Default(cont_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for contrast
Assert(cont_strength>=0.00 && cont_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: cont_strength 0.00 -> 1.00")
auto_spow = Default(auto_spow, true) # auto weighted rpow_strength arg control by cont_strength arg
rpow_strength = Float(Default(rpow_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for rpow
Assert(rpow_strength>=0.00 && rpow_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: rpow_strength 0.00 -> 1.00")
spow_strength = Float(Default(spow_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for spow
Assert(spow_strength>=0.00 && spow_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: spow_strength 0.00 -> 1.00")
pord = Default(pord, false) # RGBAdapt pord arg
bias_strength = Float(Default(bias_strength, 1.00)) # strength arg for automatic bias_strength
Assert(bias_strength>=0.00 && bias_strength <= 1.00,"RGBAdapt_auto_awb: bias_strength 0.00 -> 1.00")#---------- Specify the source rectangle under scrutiny
x = int(Width(clip) * x)
y = int(Height(clip) * y)
w = int(-Width(clip) * w)
h = int(-Height(clip) * h)
#--------- RGB color space processRGB_clip = (!isRGB(clip)) ? ConvertToRGB24(clip, matrix=matrix) : clip
#--------- AWB process
ScriptClip(RGB_clip, """
#---------- First pass : gain process for each channel
RT_RgbChanStats( RGB_clip, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 1+2+4+16)
# ------ detection BlankClip and condition to avoid division by 0
blanklip = RCS_MinMaxDiff_0 + RCS_MinMaxDiff_1 + RCS_MinMaxDiff_2
RCS_MinMaxDiff_0 = Max (RCS_MinMaxDiff_0, 0.01) RCS_MinMaxDiff_1 = Max (RCS_MinMaxDiff_1, 0.01) RCS_MinMaxDiff_2 = Max (RCS_MinMaxDiff_2, 0.01)
#---- gain process
r_gain = 1 - (1 - float(255.0/RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)) * gain_strength
r_bias = - RCS_Min_0 * r_gain * gain_strength
g_gain = 1 - (1 - float(255.0/RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)) * gain_strength
g_bias = - RCS_Min_1 * g_gain * gain_strength
b_gain = 1 - (1 - float(255.0/RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)) * gain_strength
b_bias = - RCS_Min_2 * b_gain * gain_strength
#---- cont process
# Cont is dangerous, because it can overshoot light and dark, but it is necessary to help to find good correction for very big
# color cast. Thus bool auto_cont arg enable a automatic weighted autocont stength. I observe that picture do'nt need contraste is
# picture, which have a large histogram, which have min value near 0 et max value near 255, which have bigger min max diff value.
# But not it is simple, sometime the automatic weigthed autocont stength must be desable.
r_cont = (!auto_cont) ? 1 - (1 - r_gain) * cont_strength : 1 - (1 - r_gain) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)/255.0
r_cont_max = RCS_Max_0 * r_gain + r_bias + (r_cont - 1) *(RCS_Max_0 - 128)
g_cont = (!auto_cont) ? 1 - (1 - g_gain) * cont_strength : 1 - (1 - g_gain) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)/255.0
g_cont_max = RCS_Max_1 * g_gain + g_bias + (g_cont - 1) *(RCS_Max_1 - 128)b_cont = (!auto_cont) ? 1 - (1 - b_gain) * cont_strength : 1 - (1 - b_gain) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)/255.0
b_cont_max = RCS_Max_2 * b_gain + b_bias + (b_cont - 1) *(RCS_Max_2 - 128)
r_cont_bias = (!auto_cont) ? (255 - r_cont_max) * cont_strength : \
(255 - r_cont_max) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)/255.0
g_cont_bias = (!auto_cont) ? (255 - g_cont_max) * cont_strength : \
(255 - g_cont_max) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)/255.0
b_cont_bias = (!auto_cont) ? (255 - b_cont_max) * cont_strength : \
(255 - b_cont_max) * cont_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)/255.0
#------------ gain and cont in RGBadapt args range
r_gain = Min (8.0, Max (r_gain, -8.0))
g_gain = Min (8.0, Max (g_gain, -8.0))
b_gain = Min (8.0, Max (b_gain, -8.0))
r_cont = Min (8.0, Max (r_cont, -8.0))
g_cont = Min (8.0, Max (g_cont, -8.0))
b_cont = Min (8.0, Max (b_cont, -8.0))
r_bias = r_bias + r_cont_bias
r_bias = Min (512.0, Max (r_bias, -512.0))
g_bias = g_bias + g_cont_bias
g_bias = Min (512.0, Max (g_bias, -512.0))
b_bias = b_bias + b_cont_bias
b_bias = Min (512.0, Max (b_bias, -512.0))
#---------- gamma curves corrections process in accordance with gray world theory
#----------- RGB values calculation
r_gain_cont_ave = RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias + (r_cont - 1) *(RCS_Ave_0 - 128)
g_gain_cont_ave = RCS_Ave_1 * g_gain + g_bias + (g_cont - 1) *(RCS_Ave_1 - 128)
b_gain_cont_ave = RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias + (b_cont - 1) *(RCS_Ave_2 - 128)
#----------- RGB gamma corrections values calcul
# In gray world theory, in YUV range, we increase or decrease average value to ref = 128.0, but in RGB range
# average of channel average values is better, with average of channel average value after gain process the
# picture ligth is better
# In gamma process, to incresae or decrease average value, we use gamma args. To find this gamma args, we
# solve this equation ref = pow(average value/255.0,1/gamma args)
# Gamma corrections are calculated with gain output, because is more refine than calculated with gain and cont output
ref = (RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias + RCS_Ave_1 * g_gain + g_bias + RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias)/3.0r_rpow = 1 + (log((RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias)/255.0)/log(ref/255.0) -1) * rpow_strength
r_rpow = Min (4.0, Max (r_rpow, 0.1))
g_rpow = 1 + (log((RCS_Ave_1* g_gain + g_bias)/255.0)/log(ref/255.0) - 1) * rpow_strength
g_rpow = Min (4.0, Max (g_rpow, 0.1))
b_rpow = 1 + (log((RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias)/255.0)/log(ref/255.0) -1) * rpow_strength
b_rpow = Min (4.0, Max (b_rpow, 0.1))
#----------- RGB correction with spow curve calcul#------- Spow process is enable in default mode, spmid and pord args default values increase
#------- rpow process action, thus we get more color saturation but also more dark aeras.
#------- Spow for rpow is like contrast for gain. Thus i use the same factor to get automatic
#------- weigthed spow arg
r_spow = (!auto_spow) ? 1 - (1 - 1/r_rpow) * spow_strength : \
1 - (1 - 1/r_rpow) * spow_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_0)/255.0
r_spow = Min (4.0, Max (r_spow, 0.1))
g_spow = (!auto_spow) ? 1 - (1 - 1/g_rpow) * spow_strength : \
1 - (1 - 1/g_rpow) * spow_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_1)/255.0
g_spow = Min (4.0, Max (g_spow, 0.1))
b_spow = (!auto_spow) ? 1 - (1 - 1/b_rpow) * spow_strength : \
1 - (1 - 1/b_rpow) * spow_strength * (255.0 - RCS_MinMaxDiff_2)/255.0
b_spow = Min (4.0, Max (b_spow, 0.1))
r_spmid = (r_spow == 1.0) ? 0.5 : (RCS_Ave_0 * r_gain + r_bias)/255.0
r_spmid = Min (0.99, Max (r_spmid, 0.01))
g_spmid = (g_spow == 1.0) ? 0.5 : (RCS_Ave_1* g_gain + g_bias)/255.0
g_spmid = Min (0.99, Max (g_spmid, 0.01))
b_spmid = (b_spow == 1.0) ? 0.5 : (RCS_Ave_2 * b_gain + b_bias)/255.0
b_spmid = Min (0.99, Max (b_spmid, 0.01))
#---------- bias corrections process in accordance with gray world theory
#----------- RGB bias corrections extraction and calcul
RGBAdapt( RGB_clip, \
R_bias = r_bias, R_Gain = r_gain, R_Cont = r_cont, R_rpow = r_rpow, R_spow = r_spow, R_SPMid = r_spmid, R_Pord = pord,\
G_bias = g_bias, G_Gain = g_gain, G_Cont = g_cont, G_rpow = g_rpow, G_spow = g_spow, G_SPMid = g_spmid, G_Pord = pord,\
B_bias = b_bias, B_Gain = b_gain, B_Cont = b_cont, B_rpow = b_rpow, B_spow = b_spow, B_SPMid = b_spmid, B_Pord = pord)
RT_RgbChanStats( LAST, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 16)
ref = (RCS_Ave_0 + RCS_Ave_1 + RCS_Ave_2)/3.0 # in RGB range ref is better 128.0 for Gray world theory correction
dr = ref - RCS_Ave_0
dg = ref - RCS_Ave_1
db = ref - RCS_Ave_2r_bias = (r_bias + dr * bias_strength)
r_bias = Min (512.0, Max (r_bias, -512.0))
g_bias = (g_bias + dg * bias_strength)
g_bias = Min (512.0, Max (g_bias, -512.0))
b_bias = (b_bias + db * bias_strength)
b_bias = Min (512.0, Max (b_bias, -512.0))
RGBAdapt( RGB_clip, \
R_bias = r_bias, R_Gain = r_gain, R_Cont = r_cont, R_rpow = r_rpow, R_spow = r_spow, R_SPMid = r_spmid, R_Pord = pord,\
G_bias = g_bias, G_Gain = g_gain, G_Cont = g_cont, G_rpow = g_rpow, G_spow = g_spow, G_SPMid = g_spmid, G_Pord = pord,\
B_bias = b_bias, B_Gain = b_gain, B_Cont = b_cont, B_rpow = b_rpow, B_spow = b_spow, B_SPMid = b_spmid, B_Pord = pord)
(blanklip == 0) ? RGB_clip : last#----------- variables strings are tuned in global mode for data display in following ScriptClip
global r_args = (!show_info)? nop : \
RT_String("\\n R_bias : %s R_gain : %s R_cont : %s \\n R_rpow : %s R_spow : %s R_spmid : %s",\
string(r_bias), string(r_gain), string(r_cont), string(r_rpow), string(r_spow), string(r_spmid),esc =1)
global g_args = (!show_info)? nop : \
RT_String("\\n G_bias : %s G_gain : %s G_cont : %s \\n G_rpow : %s G_spow : %s G_spmid : %s",\
string(g_bias), string(g_gain), string(g_cont), string(g_rpow), string(g_spow), string(g_spmid),esc =1)
global b_args = (!show_info)? nop : \
RT_String("\\n B_bias : %s B_gain : %s B_cont : %s \\n B_rpow : %s B_spow : %s B_spmid : %s",\
string(b_bias), string(b_gain), string(b_cont), string(b_rpow), string(b_spow), string(b_spmid),esc =1)return last """, args = "RGB_clip, show_info, x, y, w , h, gain_strength, threshold, auto_cont, cont_strength, auto_spow, rpow_strength, spow_strength,"+\
"pord, bias_strength")
#--------- datas display process
(!show_info) ? last :\
ScriptClip(last, """#--------- start RGB values extraction for display
RT_RgbChanStats( RGB_clip, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 1+2+4+16)
start_ave = (RCS_Ave_0 + RCS_Ave_1 + RCS_Ave_2)/3.0
r_start = RT_String("\\nDeparture : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\
string(RCS_Ave_0), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_0), string(RCS_Min_0), string(RCS_Max_0),esc =1)
g_start = RT_String("\\nDeparture : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\
string(RCS_Ave_1), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_1), string(RCS_Min_1), string(RCS_Max_1),esc =1)
b_start = RT_String("\\nDeparture : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\
string(RCS_Ave_2), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_2), string(RCS_Min_2), string(RCS_Max_2),esc =1)
#--------- final RGB values extraction for displayRT_RgbChanStats( last, x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, threshold = threshold, chan = -1, flgs = 1+2+4+8+16)
r_end = RT_String("\\nFinish : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\
string(RCS_Ave_0), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_0), string(RCS_Min_0), string(RCS_Max_0),esc =1)
g_end = RT_String("\\nFinish : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\
string(RCS_Ave_1), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_1), string(RCS_Min_1), string(RCS_Max_1),esc =1)
b_end = RT_String("\\nFinish : Average : %s Min/max : %s Min : %s Max : %s",\
string(RCS_Ave_2), string(RCS_MinMaxDiff_2), string(RCS_Min_2), string(RCS_Max_2),esc =1)
#-------- displaySubtitle("channels averages average : " + string(start_ave)+\
"\n\n" + "Red values : " + r_start + r_args + r_end +\
"\n\n" + "Green values : " + g_start + g_args + g_end+\
"\n\n" + "Blue values : " + b_start + b_args + b_end+\
"\n\n" + "channels averages average : " + string((RCS_Ave_0 + RCS_Ave_1 + RCS_Ave_2 )/3)\
,y = 20, lsp = 20, text_color = $00FFFF00, halo_color = $00000000, size = float(height()/32.0))
return last """, args = "RGB_clip, x, y, w , h, threshold")#-------- display scrutinized aera
scrutinized_green = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : BlankClip(RGB_clip, width = (Width(last)-x+w), height = (Height(last)-y+h), color=$00FF00)
scrutinized_white = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Blankclip(RGB_clip, width = (Width(last)-x+w), height = (Height(last)-y+h), color=$FFFFFF)
scrutinized_int = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Blankclip(RGB_clip, width = (Width(scrutinized_white)-4), height = (Height(scrutinized_white)-4),\
scrutinized_mask = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Overlay(scrutinized_white, scrutinized_int, x=2, y=2, opacity=1.0, mode="multiply", greymask=true,\
ignore_conditional=false, pc_range=false)
scrutinized = (!show_scrutinized)? nop : Overlay(last, scrutinized_green, mask = scrutinized_mask, x=x, y=y, opacity=1.0, mode="blend", greymask=true,\
ignore_conditional=false, pc_range=false)(!show_scrutinized)? last : scrutinized
#--------- End of RGB color space process
!isRGB(clip) ? ConvertToYV12(last, matrix=matrix) : last
Отредактировано dan74 (16-12-2019 06:16:53)
Поделиться2427-01-2021 20:43:55
# очистка от пыли,царапин
dan74, скажите пожалуйста, какая версия фильтра у Вас установлена и какая версия Ависинта?
У меня Ависинт 2.6, но этот фильтр, скачанный с оф.сайта, почему-то не загружается.
dll-кой не поделитесь?
Поделиться2528-01-2021 05:23:31
У меня Ависинт 2.6
Пожалуйста - https://yadi.sk/d/e5kNYP94JyOQ7g
Скрипт скачал отсюда, всё работает.
Отредактировано dan74 (28-01-2021 05:32:39)
Поделиться2728-01-2021 10:10:45
Скрипты для очистки в наборе.
Поделиться2828-01-2021 13:12:00
dan74, спасибо за богатый подарок!
Буду разбираться.
Поделиться2928-01-2021 21:28:35
Что-то не получается у меня пока этот фильтр запустить.
Дело в том, что Ависинт у меня уже стоит, и немного в другой папке.
Путь к плагинам получается такой:
LoadPlugin("C:\Video\AviSynth 2.5\Plugins\RemoveDirtS.dll")
Ставить вторую версию Ависинта как-то боязно, неизвестно, как они между собой дружить будут...
И какая версия будет скрипты открывать.
Поделиться3129-01-2021 10:54:38
dan74, а у Вас в какой ОС это всё работает?
Поделиться3229-01-2021 14:33:10
dan74, а у Вас в какой ОС это всё работает?
Во всех - от 7ки до 10ки.
Поделиться3324-02-2021 14:34:39
Простой скрипт очистки шума -
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\DeGrainMedian.dll") # загружаем плагин
DeGrainMedian(mode=1, interlaced=true, limitY=3, limitUV=5)
Отредактировано dan74 (24-02-2021 14:50:58)
Поделиться3416-03-2022 16:10:16
Добрый день ! Надеюсь Вы ещё на форуме.
Не могли бы Вы дать несколько уроков по AviSynth, а то не получается вообще что то ничего ...
Я имею ввиду соединиться по любой сети, вайбер, вацап, телеграмм. Где есть микрофон и соедениться с моим компом по удалёнке.
Провести несколько уроков наглядно.
Очень хочется достичь результатов по фильтрации изображения
Поделиться3517-03-2022 17:58:52
Приветствую! Предыдущие посты -5-26-30 выполнены как описано? Что то запускается?
Поделиться3818-03-2022 13:30:22
В этом ависинте столько подводных камней, я тоже самоучка.Поэтому тяжело что то подсказать. Ставлю Вин 10 компакт, тоже ошибки пишет.Ставлю полную версию,всё работает.
То бывает пишет ошибку "не могу найти файл - Previev.avs, хотя он есть.
По Вашему случаю - K-Lite_Codec_Pack_820_Full.exe ставили? Винду лучше конечно 10 64бита. И прямо по порядку ставить и прописать всё как я выше скрин показывал пост 26.
Поделиться3918-03-2022 14:06:16
он пишет что кодека нет, формат DV стандартного разрешения
Поделиться4001-04-2022 19:04:49
Добрый день ! Надеюсь Вы ещё на форуме.
Не могли бы Вы дать несколько уроков по AviSynth, а то не получается вообще что то ничего ...
Для желающих освоить AviSynth "с нуля" открыта специальная тема: AviSynth - ликбез